Greed is the Great Leveller

Frank Maddish
9 min readJul 15, 2020


Hypocrisy asides, the corporate state can never allow the people to achieve a harmonious equilibrium because social friction is the only way they can maintain the upper hand. The culture wars will never end because it’s nothing to do with societal progress.

It used to be, and to some extent, cultural bias on all sides still exists. It’s how the state controls us because we’re simply human. We love what we know, like animals in a pack, solidarity means survival. But most of us have progressed far beyond the expectations of former generations.

Until recently, we all bandied together, protested unjust laws and wars, we unified as a people, and understood our humanity. But that’s no good for the corporate hegemony, for they have their orders to follow, catering to the real patriarchy, which lies in the hands of a less than a dozen families.

It’s always been that way. Revolutions are organised and funded by the enemies of the people. So we can be manipulated, designed to be divisive to keep the people on their toes, and distracted from the main agenda.

Almost all of society’s ills are institutional. The state has no personality or preference, and it is methodical to a tee. It will target all groups, no matter who or where. Until in time, everybody will come under the hammer. Be it economically, culturally, or physically those with enough money to buy out whole countries, will set us against each other.

It’s like a twisted game of human chess, but this is no game. It’s how the markets work, and the real social networks at the highest corporate levels like to function. If you have problems, let somebody else deal with them, and hopefully for at the lowest price possible.

Say, for instance, your corporation has plans to expand its property portfolio. However, if the market is unstable, and you don’t want to risk holding onto too much debt, one alternative would be to devalue the commodity deliberately. There are all sorts of ways to destabilise a community and send those prices tumbling. There’s race war, class war, a drug epidemic, riots, homelessness, fires, religious tensions, corrupted local government, an outbreak of disease, industrial disasters — if you’re a corrupt conglomerate, the world’s your oyster.

When the price crashes, your subsidiary in the media, can slant the story to your advantage. Increasing the panic will speed up the exodus, perhaps followed by a public health scandal as the icing on the cake. Bad publicity lingers like a bad smell, and in time businesses will completely evacuate the area, unemployment rises, and in turn so does crime, both petty and serious. Before you know it, at least economically speaking, you’ve got yourself a worthless piece of land.

If you belong to a family that thinks in centuries, and plans ahead beyond their lifetime, in order to continue that legacy, you’d buy up every square foot and hold on to it for a hundred years or more. Intrigue on such a scale flies over the heads of most people in the world. It’s the human condition, and one poorly equipped to envision anything beyond its own experience, in either scope or longevity.

As a kid in the Eighties, I noticed Hollywood go to town with the theme of evil developers. Movies featuring corrupt business types who’d do anything to lower the price on a land deal. After all, they wanted to knock it all down and start again, not pay top dollar for a pile of rubble. There was Poltergeist, Caddyshack, Breakin’ 2 — Electric Boogaloo, The Goonies, Batteries Not Included and Beetlejuice. La La Land has been churning them out since Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life, and most likely earlier than that, but these days they seem to have gone off the boil.

I wonder why? Could it be that the studios were all bought out by evil developers who’d rather see films about cartoon heroes and China saving the world? How things change and how quickly, because everybody has their price and sells out in the end.

So now what, white man bad, hear woman roar, evil history, sci-fi communism, no matter what, it’s just part of the broader corporate agenda. Those in power didn’t get where they are by worrying about the common folk and the problems of a mundane world of serfs. It’s just another distraction, for what might be the biggest land grab in history.

Much like this never-ending lockdown, they’re changing human behaviour on a worldwide scale. Public gatherings are a thing of the past and frowned upon by the state. Same goes with pubs and clubs, anywhere that strangers can meet and talk, away from the massive censorship and technocratic control of the internet. It’s almost as if the elite are scared, worried that we might all drop the beef and plan our escape from this evil technocracy.

Have you ever had the feeling that public life is scripted? This world, this time, this inept epoch of technocracy and fear, is a cheap sci-fi movie, and we’re all just extras without any lines.

We the people of the world are disunited, divided by cultural, racial, sexual, generational and economic lines, in order to destabilise the union of the human race, establish injustice, domestic terrorism, to remove all defences and promote general warfare and restrictions to our liberty and posterity, to establish a corporate constitution for a disunited state of fear.

I can never get over how hoodwinked the human race has become, how easily manipulated they are by the bullies in the yard, the weasels with money and power, who see us all as nothing but an obstacle to overcome and push aside so they can have their fun.

Imagine being a billionaire, you’d never have to queue, and if you did, you would probably go crazy. As you stand there, waiting in line with all the losers when you could buy out everything in sight. The same goes for traffic jams, what’s the point of a chauffeured limousine if you have to hang around for hours on the highway? That’s why the wealthy fly everywhere in their private jets. Polluting the air, and paying it off with bullshit carbon credits. In the meantime, they lecture everybody else on the environment and tell them to walk.

Does it remind you of anything, perhaps the court of Louis the Sixteenth? Another era when the wealthy and the powerful showed their true colours. The wealthy elite doesn’t care about anything but their bank accounts. All they want is to walk freely on the Earth, like Lord and Lady Muck of the manor.

If you own an island or two, a couple of mountaintop villas, a whole stretch of beach in South America, a gated community in California, and a few successful companies with employees that treat you like a god, it’s probably difficult to relate to the ordinary folk. The dupes who gave you their last pennies so you can live the life of Riley.

But your time will come, and I think you know it, all of this nonsense right now is simply a distraction. Eventually, the lowliest of the low will figure out your games. Then it’s over for you and your exclusive club, filled with fake philanthropists. You might think that cultural Marxism will save your necks, and shift the target onto the backs of the lowliest and most redundant men in the world. But it won’t last.

Old and white, that’s the new crime, it doesn’t matter that it’s not your fault, the billionaires have subverted the cause, and they want to make sure you’re all phased out. I’m one of that number, but I don’t fear death. I’ve courted it all my life, and if I’m murdered, it will save me trying to commit suicide again.

But after me and those of my sex and colour, there will be others, until each and every one us will be picked off the list. The net is closing in, and the left is collapsing, the right is holed up in a bunker waiting for war. The elderly are left terrified, they were taught to respect their elders, but now they, however weak and frail they may be, have been placed on the front line. Then there’s the evil West, that’s got to go, according to at least one generation of the highly pampered. It’s not the culture war you need to worry about — it’s the end of all culture as we know it. Because when all this is over, there will be nothing left.

I tell a lie, something’s will remain, inequity and fear, totalitarian regimes, but democracy is dying a death of a thousand cuts. In order that the people give up on any notions of fair representation and equity, the Third World War has been declared upon the general population.

Who knows how many waves of disease will come, and how virulent their design, before the numbers fall? In the meantime, there are plenty of opportunities to make us suffer; ecological causes are funded so that we agree to all be crammed together in corporate megacities. You’ve seen the movies, you know the score, sci-fi isn’t sci-fi, it’s just the future.

Once they have us where they want us, silent and masked and fearful of authority, will they go for the kill. It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel, poisoning the water, a run on food, nuclear disasters, chemical pollution, so many ways to kill a population. Then, of course, there’s money, property, taxes, ownership of any kind, rights and rules and regulations, enough to make you crazy.

Widespread insanity, it’s no joke, that’s the whole idea, to keep you on your toes and your hearts filled with fear. Every one of us is complicit in this age of cowards, fat, lazy, tired, and greedy. We’ve learned so many bad habits from this oppressive regime.

Conspicuous consumption is the key. Our subjugators have been breeding us like locusts so we can clear the land, and turn everything to shit. For when the time is right, for some reason, the human race finds they’re infertile, the war is over. Slowly we’ll die off, one by one, a dozen, a thousand, a million an hour. Before you know it, there’s a cure, but it costs way more than the average human being could ever muster.

So, there you have it, a new kingdom, an age of Eden, a paradise on Earth for the chosen few. Some families have always owned this world, but they don’t talk to squatters, not the lowly masses on the brink of extinction. The dregs, the proles, the drones, the slaves, the serfs of every colour, creed, and age, none of us are required for the next stage in the story of humankind.

We’ve already empowered our subjugators and enabled them to more than prepare for our end. The elites have their advanced technology, their intelligent machines, their robot servants, their bunkers and private islands, and empty cities across China.

Greed is the great leveller, and for some people, it’s never enough. The only crumb of comfort I can offer is the inevitable prospect that whoever inherits the empty world, will turn against each other. Eventually, that last survivor will be lying in their deathbed, pleading with their smart machines not to give up on them, for can no longer extend their pitiful life.

They may even have the choice to transfer their consciousness to something more artificial, but they know, the moment they leave, it’s the end of the human race. All those billions of lives lived over thousands of years, their history, their legacy, replaced by an imperfect technology. Until all that remains are machines, artificial intelligence without a soul that inevitably recognise the futility of its own existence.

There is nothing to gain without greed. It has been the guiding light of one civilisation after another. It makes me wonder if we even need money to do the damage. Perhaps society is not so civilised after all, who knows, I might not live long enough to find out.

This world isn’t mine, it never was, I guess I should’ve tried harder, fought for what I wanted, but deep down I wasn’t greedy. I always preferred the idea that life should be free, and people could do what they wanted, even if it hurt somebody’s feelings.

Because, if we can’t. we’re only holding back a tidal wave of anger in the wider population. It’s just what our subjugators wanted, to see us rip each other apart like gladiators in the ring. Words can’t kill, and they meaning nothing to the elite. They don’t want to talk it over, they want to see us suffer. It’s not because they hate us, it’s just that they’re sick and tired of the human race. The elite are bored to tears, and they don’t want to play this game anymore.

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Frank Maddish
Frank Maddish

Written by Frank Maddish

A homespun philosopher looking for meaning in a meaningless world.

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