Psychological Operations
Nobody likes to have the wool pulled over their eyes, especially by government-funded institutes and quangos whose sole aim is to blindside the public. I wonder if it might be a matter of pride when the masses defend the propaganda of the establishment, or could it just be fear? Could it be that people are simply cowards and would rather go along with anything than stand out amongst the crowd?
Imagine if people had decided to take to the streets and riot during the Spanish Flu or the Great Plague? No matter how valid the argument, how righteous the cause, it does seem rather far-fetched to me. More likely it comes down to a choice between one or the other, a fake disease or a fake riot. That’s my problem with the world right now; it doesn’t seem to be capable of weighing up the facts and making balanced decisions. People cannot tell what is real and what has been engineered by their puppeteers.
People die, there’s no way around it, but how and why, now that’s a whole different matter. Some say believe the experts every time, even if they are under the thumb of their paymasters. Others believe nothing at all, ignoring their gut instincts that the world is run by power-mad cretins incapable of speaking the unvarnished truth. But if you’ve studied anything about psychological warfare, then you’ll realise there’s always a balance between fantasy and fact. On average, about ten per cent of the official narrative on just about any subject remains unblemished, whilst the rest are lies embellished by the occasional truth. Just a little sugar to help the medicine go down, to throw the dogs off the scent, to let the fools fight it out amongst themselves.
I remember many times at art college, hearing tutors spout off the same tired old adage, ‘Less is more’. But sometimes less is less and more is more, and anything in between is merely a matter of conjecture. The politicisation of the public has led to mass psychosis. Few are prepared for the complexity of fearful scenarios that have been manufactured and presented before us. The ideology of the state is to always back foot those who put their best foot forward, to trip over the zeitgeist, and watch it fall flat on its face. Even when the rabble is doing their dirty work, completing for their vision of less freedom and more censorship, the state can’t resist putting the boot in and stand back and watch their unwitting converts suffer for their cause.
For in the end we’re all just playing games, awaiting an inevitable future in a worldwide prison state. A place where the individual is mocked and terrorised as the masses glorify themselves in their own eyes. A time when the suppression of vagaries of biology and inefficiencies of nature, induce celebrations of the dubious perfection of the hive. The society with only one purpose, to survive in perfect harmony, even if the outcome is an atrocity, a destruction of all creative minds. That, for some, seems like a fair price, to live under the direction of a state-approved function, to be whatever it is we are told to be, as and when it is deemed necessary.
The big idea, the mechanical god, the cull of the past and manufacture of the future, where blood is the oil that keeps the wheels turning, and flesh and bone are the foundations of a new church of misunderstanding. The time is near, and fear is the key. It’s why so many brilliant minds are racked with anxiety and legislatively expelled for the sanitation of a self-righteous society.
Sooner or later the majority will learn that everything they have done, is approved of and celebrated by the establishment for one reason alone. To give the public a false impression, in order that they believe they can control their own destiny. When the government turns a blind eye and ignores the hypocrisy of a particular situation, that is because it was of their own making, and the ensuing chaos was the fruition of a calculated decision.
Only the dead seem to agree, that this period of history is so fraught with misunderstanding, so at odds with itself and devoid of all introspection, that it can hardly expect to continue on this path of self-destruction. Yet it persists, arguing with itself, expecting something to be done that will benefit the majority. Only less is on the table, not more, you can starve for glory, hate for freedom, die for the economy, but you cannot escape the pitiful fate of this artificially enhanced and socially compounded, global community.
Here’s a good trick, take everything with a pinch of salt. Even your name isn’t real, you didn’t choose it, you didn’t want it, but life on Earth means you got it. Everything is relative, nothing is certain, history is malleable, especially by those with a vested interest to rewrite it. The world around you is but a snapshot in time, yet when you’re gone you’ll realise that there is no order to events, dates and places, names and faces, it’s all the convenience of others. We are classified for state purposes alone, organised by the powers that be, who have been behind the whole invention of identity. How we look, and sound is seen as profound, but how we feel is barely counted in our legacy.
Those who agree with the world at large, and aim to do their best to fit in, have dumped any semblance of emotional originality, conceptual foresight or individual identity at the interviewer’s door. They who wish to get ahead and be part of something bigger, are told to clean up their act, watch their language, be mindful and cooperative no matter how dumb the situation. Even if the world’s burning down around you, make sure not to disturb others’ socially approved sensibilities, as you face your inevitable doom.
For now, the world teems with a new species of humanity, a domesticated breed never seen before in history. A creature so profoundly dependent on the state, and desperate for the approval of its contemporaries, it doesn’t need war to destroy it, or prison walls to keep it in check. Human beings are now doings, and they’ve done all they can to appease the hidden hand of power.
The dregs of thousands of years of deep philosophical enquiry, physical exploration, and psychological manifestation, end here at the end of the pier. Humanity is lost in a dream, playing in arcades of fate, where some win tokens of appreciation, whilst others jump for the supposed good of all, designated by predestination to fail at the very first gate.
Goodbye conversation, hello interrogation, if you who wish for more will only find less. You fight amongst yourselves and only hurt the ones you love. The only way into the corridors of power is economic, financial, baubles of bribery for the bureaucracy of corruption. The price goes up by the day, and those most faithful to the cause will find that their achievements mean almost nothing in the face of such competition.
The degenerates of wealth and riches beyond the average citizen’s imagination play mind games for their own amusement. If you didn’t receive an invitation, then you were never welcome, and if you see through your subjugators’ nefarious plans for world domination, you’ll be isolated and ignored, until you’re willing to compromise with evil for the greater good.
Don’t believe a thing, only what you dream, only what you know in your gut is worth keeping. No stranger truly cares for your well being; no part of officialdom has your best interests at heart. No authority is free from corruption, and no law is sacrosanct, no leader is sincere, no objective positive, for no mere mortal has a clue. We are deaf and blind to the bigger picture, and its greater sound, for the truth beyond all truth is no longer profound. It is a hunch, a terrible suspicion, that all of this is bullshit, and this pitiful world of half-hearted effort is filled with monsters and cowards.