The Social Experiment

Frank Maddish
5 min readJun 16, 2020


Photo by Anna Shvets

Governments around the world are in the closing stages of their latest social experiment. By utilising mass communication to spread panic amongst the masses, their false projections have ensured that no matter what, a vast majority of the public have complied with their demands. Many of which have no legal precedence, and in fact I am sure that in hindsight, a great deal of evidence will show the damage done to the democratic model.

In the 21st Century, compliance is the key. This societal model has been predicted for generations. Since Orwell, the public has been well aware that the future will be uniform, highly orchestrated, and ruled by a zealotry that only intensive propaganda can instil.

Our neighbours have become our guards in a vast open prison that stretches beyond all nation’s borders. Some of us have relished their meagre taste of power and have suddenly discovered their inner authoritarian.

In Britain, we live within a nation of snoopers, many of whom are glad to report their fellow citizens solely for the thrill of it, without reward or acknowledgement because they believe they are doing what is right. I wonder if there will come a time when we’ll see the police disbanded, and the citizens themselves will deliver the law.

I say citizens, but here in the UK we are technically still subjects to the monarchy. We have no bill of rights, no legal constitution, and even less representation. It seems that things have gone full circle, and this nation of serfs has lost its confidence in the very idea of democracy. We have very few rights, and even those have been quickly diminished, in the light of hyper-connectivity under the partisan position of our state authorities.

There’s no room for argument in this country, for we are expected to accept things as they are, and only protest against our own culture and existence, until even that is no more.

Imagine if all those sci-fi movies from the 1970s turned out to be right — with future generations dressed in uniform, bred artificially by advanced technology, and voluntarily executed by age thirty.

I am sure there are plenty of think tanks out there who given the idea serious consideration. If all the old died out and the young survived, yet their lifespan was severely compromised, they wouldn’t need to bother with nonsense like politics, but rather leave the supercomputers to run their lives.

I’m sure they’d all be glad to stand and applaud for their great leader, or brave soldiers, or medical teams standing in the wings. They’d probably smile as they received their poisoned inoculations, and gene therapy to ensure a severely limited lifespan.

It’s not such a brave new world, after all. Most people will be so terrified of damaging their social credit rating, that they won’t dare question their paymaster’s logic. Once the secret police storm the building and drag away their neighbours for interrogation, I wonder how many will still be applauding?

So, what was this grand experiment for, and what were the results? Well, it seems that vast swathes of people from around the world are willing to take orders, no matter how outrageous.

They’ll believe the official line, even if the information changes by the day, they’ll stay at home, avoid contact with their loved ones, and not even grieve for the dead. They’ll do whatever it takes to survive, despite the cost to their humanity. Because apparently, this planet is a petri-dish of experimental diseases, any of which might do untold damage in weeks or even days.

Compared to all the other pandemics throughout history, this one has been a rank amateur, with less than one per cent mortality rate. But that’s not the point, now is it? It’s not the disease that caused all the damage, but rather the worldwide panic and the economic hangover, that few have even considered yet. The real experiment has just begun, and those who test our patience are busy collecting all the data. They want to see what happens next, when the food, the power, and the money runs out. Will we continue talking orders or will society breakdown?

They’re even shock testing the system’s limits as we speak, making sure to sow division between the old and young. The silent war is here, and it will never end, for its aim is subterfuge and continuous attrition.

The siege of billions of lives locked down in a constant state of fear has led to mass psychosis, an outbreak of political zombies, emotionally triggered by everything they see and hear. What remains when the dust has settled, will seem paltry in comparison to the past. Yet still, some are more than glad to celebrate the end of nuance and variety, the trouncing of intellectualism, the willing acceptance of mass censorship, the destruction of freedom and liberty for all.

So many people are too scared to speak up, and only protest for what the powers that be ordain acceptable in the eyes of the law. Whilst those who demand restitution from the poor and oppressed masses, are merely doing the work of their fascist oppressors.

It’s been a free-for-all the ruling elites. They’ve formed armies of twisted conscience for free, and it hasn’t cost them a penny, because their propaganda did all the work. For the internet is a brainwashing machine, and its cleaned about twenty per cent of the human race so far, and more are losing their minds by the day.

Those people who have never delved deep into the background information, but rather take what their friends and colleagues tell them on face value. Of course, some suspect there’s more to this tale of modern woe than meets the eye. So, they’ll visit state-approved sites, who tow the governmental line. But all they’ll read are soundbites and socially programmable tidbits designed to appease the gullible and misinformed.

The establishment has conquered its overeducated, underemployed, socially deprecated, short-attention-span slaves, and offered them a life of servitude dressed up as virtue.

The human race is finally ready for the next level of domestication. Integrating biology and technology, and thereby allowing the hive mind full integration. Legislating every aspect of our lives from birth until death, as we remain observed by cameras wherever we go, and policed by each other and smart technology. Now here’s how to make the new system pay, fines, imprisonment and even executions for the high crimes of unpopular opinions, and cultural transgressions of every kind.

Can you see it yet, the authoritarian state? It’s here, it’s loud, it’s proud, and it’s not going anywhere. The experiment is over, and the human race has passed with flying colours. Congratulations, you are all slaves.

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Frank Maddish
Frank Maddish

Written by Frank Maddish

A homespun philosopher looking for meaning in a meaningless world.

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